Saturday 7 September 2013

Video Diaries

I am using some of the ideas generated from this research project with pupils in my current class - they are all high functioning and on the Autism Spectrum. We are using video diaries this term to reflect on our week. Some of the resources I use to support this can be found below. In my current use of these diaries, I think it is important that pupils are provided with additional visuals to help with deficits in memory and imagination. Before making a video recording we look back at the timetable for the week and maybe some photographs that have been taken. While this is the way I am using this method, there are other possibilities such as focusing on the discussion of a key event that has taken place e.g. swimming or a tantrum.

It is important that a wide range of choices are provided when using this method to reduce social anxiety. I give pupils a range of choices that seem to work well and allow for maximum engagement including:

 * adult holding the camera vs pupil holding the camera
 * adult asking the questions vs pupils reading the questions off the sheet on their own
 * pupils using the structures provided to complete their diary independently vs being part of a group with extra support


Tuesday 4 June 2013

IVSA Paper - Visual Narrative

This is the draft about to be published in the International Visual Sociology Society Newsletter. Never had anything published before so this is a step in right direction. First draft of this was first ever post on this blog. Tommy

Visual narrative TG05 final version (1).doc by Tommy McGovern

Monday 27 May 2013

Play and Friendship (non-autism narratives)

Here is tonight's work on the concept of play and friendship that came through in the narratives produced by children who were not on the autism spectrum. It is very interesting as this theme was non-existent in the narratives produced by the autism group.

Mainstream Narrative Concept of Play and Narrative by Tommy McGovern

Sunday 26 May 2013

Reading of Visual Narratives Written by Children (not on the autism spectrum)

Today I finally found time to go through the visual narratives created by the children not on the autism spectrum. I plan to write it up over the course of this week but some interesting themes emerged:
 *play and friendships
 *environmental awareness
 *curricular enjoyment
 *celebration (of self and school)
*relationships with more powerful adults
 *curiosity (minor)
*reflecting on the past (minor)
 *informal rules (minor)


 The photograph below was taken by a child in school D. It seems to illustrate a theme across the rest of the narratives where children talk about the playground being a fun place. I will get the rest of this section written up as soon as possible.


Friday 17 May 2013

University of Stirling Education Conference Powerpoint

This is the presentation that I will give later today. For ethical reasons I cannot upload the videos that I will use to illustrate my points. If you want to discuss any of these points further please do not hesitate to leave me a message.

Conference Paper Visual Narrative by Tommy McGovern